Create your dream job ad

Thanks for submitting your contact info. Below you can start creating your job ad.

Important information! is the German-language specialist portal for jobs abroad. Our experience has shown that job ads in German are much better accepted by our users than job ads in English. Please take this into account when creating your ad. We are also happy to translate your English advertisement for an additional fee!

Create job ad directly

Please note:

  • Decide on the right job package from the start. You cannot switch the package in the middle of processing.
  • Under the fields you will find explanatory comments from us. These should help you with the processing.
  • Please pay attention to the required formats and file sizes when uploading images.
  • Please note that you also own the rights and licenses for the images. Please also indicate the image sources.
  • You can pause editing at any time, save your progress, and resume at a later time. The draft is saved for max. 30 days.
  • If you want to create more job ads, you can also create a new job ad under this link at any time. One form is valid for one job ad each.
  • For longer terms, there are the following discounts: 5% from 3 months, 10% from 6 months, 15% from 9 months and 20% from 12 months term.
  • The final submission of the form can sometimes take up to 30 seconds.


Contact us now at:

+49 5242 405 434 1


Or arrange an individual consultation appointment in the next few days.

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